Sunday, February 4, 2007

No TV and Internet makes Bjorn something something...

note: this blog was written on the night of February 2nd. unedited and released for your pleasure today.

At about 12:15a.m. tonight both the cable and internet went out at my household. What does one do at 12:15 at night when both the internet and tv go out? Well me and Scott (thats right, me and Scott. not Scott and I) wondered the same. So we sat on the couch and thought of things to do. About 20 minutes had passed and we were both still sitting on the couch trying to figure out something to do. Finally Scott decided to retire for the night and I was here on the couch to defend for myself. Before Scott leaves we decide the only thing for me to do is watch a movie. I scroll through all my movies and find nothing that interests me. Then I get to the very back of my dvd case. And if anyone has seen my case of dvds, the back is filled with 2 things. TV episode boxsets and random wrestling dvds. Not in the mood for sitcoms, I decide upon writing a blog and watching wrestling. So here I am at about 1a.m. watching wrestling with intentions of writing a very long, very great blog. And for all you wrestling marks who are wondering what I am watching: ECW Heatwave 1998. One of the greatest PPVs ever. So great I could break down the whole thing if I wanted to, but instead I'll break down what's really good in sports (and beer pong).

Chicago Bears (-7) vs Indianpolis Colts.
If my internet was working I would give you the total points bet as well, but since its not I'm left with just the spread. Everyone and their mom is picking the Colts. That makes me want to pick the Bears. And I don't even like the bears. Infact, one could argue I hate the bears. Infact, I think Rex Grossman is probably one of the most donk quarterbacks to ever set foot on an NFL field. So where am I going with all this bears hate? Hard to say really. All I know is the Colts are the huge, huge favorite and that is never a good thing. If the money line for the Bears was a measly +195, I'd be all over that. Anything can happen in the Super Bowl, so I'm saying Bears -7. (note: I said saying, not betting. Give me some good odds on the money line and I'll bet the Bears, but until then, I'm sticking to straight prop bets this year.)

Sorry for the lack of updates, but I have been busy as of late and was not able to give you the update from the weekends happenings. There was an exhibition last Friday Night inwhich the #1 Ranked Boom Squad went 7-0. Taking on all opponents, noone really ever stood a chance except for the very first match of the evening where Josh W. and Steve took the greatest tag team ever assembled into a double overtime match. But in the end, they really stood no chance. In singles competition, Josh G. challenged Josh W. to his #5 seeding and then took the #5 seeding away from Josh Wray. These two would later rematch for the 5 seed and after very poor piss disipline and a knocked over cup later, Josh Wray was able to recapture his #5 seed. Josh Wray then decline anymore beer at approximately 2a.m. which leads to a whole other discusion: Cab a man hold a world ranking with a beer decline? This will be discussed in later updates.

The number 1 ranked Beer Ponger in the World, Steve, has decided to put up his world ranking versus number 2 ranked Bjorn in an Iron Man challenge like no other. Rumor has it that the preliminary contract is written up for a best of 35 (yes, thirty five. meaning the winner needs to win 18). These matches will be contested over a series of nights and will show who is the true number 1 world ranking.
There is also talks about how both the world singles and tag team titles will be decided. The rumor as of now is a 2-day long event, inwhich anyone and everyone can enter the tournament and battle for the right to be called World Beer Pong Champion. More news on this event as we get it folks.

2:15 update- cable and internet are back!
2:18 update- cable and internet go back down!

Is it just me, or is this bullshit? How can the highest scoring player in the league not be on the all star team? Melo has taken heat ever since he entered the league and I see no reason for it. Maybe he isn't the best image for the league off the court, but you cannot deny what he does on the court. Before his suspension, he was the best offensive player in the league, bar none. As much as everyone does not want to say it, but he is just as much the future of the NBA as Dwanye Wade and Lebron James. Just because he is looked as a "thug," shouldn't take away what he does on the hardwood. You can take a man out the hood, but you can't the hood out the man.

Is it just me, or do these Nike basketball commercials rule? Seriously. All the best young up and coming players (+ Steve Nash) ballin' out on an air force base with Juelz Santana droppin' bombs over a sick beat. What's not to like?

If you are like me and are awake at 2:30 in the morning then you realize the lack of quality television at such an hour. Well not anymore! NBC has put together what I think is the 2nd best poker show on television (1st being high stakes poker, of course). The premise of the show is a one table sit-n-go and it takes place throughout the whole week. Each week a new set of 6 top poker players play a freezeout tournament for $125,000 (I think, I really don't even pay attention to how much they play for). The great part about this show is that there is very little commentary and very little cut in actual action. This allows the viewer to see how professionals play ever hand, instead of just key hands that they show in programs like the world series on espn or world poker tour on the travel channel. In this show you see every hand leading up to the big ones. The other part I love so much about this show is they let the players talk, and on this show they talk about everything. I hate when the commentators chime in with some stupid joke when Doyle Brunson is telling us about how he lost $50,000 in the Bellagio bathroom and was trying to find out where the fuck it went. On this show all the players talk, and they talk about anything and everything! On last night's show, Doyle bet Antonio Esfandiari 10 grand that if Hillary Clinton is the democratic nominee, she will be the next president. If that's not good television, I don't know what is. Plus it's hosted by Shana Hyatt. And in the words of Wayne Cambell - Shwing! So if you have nothing to do at 2:30 in the moring, or if you are an avid poker fan like myself, tune in or tivo Poker After Dark every night at 2:30 on NBC.

Rob Van Dam & Sabu VS Jinsei Shinzaki & Hayabusa
ECW Tag Team Title Match
Heatwave 1998


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