Thursday, January 25, 2007

Beer Pong: America's Next Great Past time?

Anyone who has ever stepped foot inside a college house party has noticed that crowd of unruly, competitive group of guys (and sometimes girls) huddled around a ping-pong or other long table. To the unaware, this may look like just a bunch of drunks throwing a ping-pong ball into cups for no apparent reason. But there is a great reason. Beer Pong. A game of skill, psychological warfare, and drinking combined into one great game. Every person plays the game different, so I will briefly explain our rules. 6 cups per side formed into a triangle (3-2-1), filled with 2 beers. If you throw a ball into a cup, that is one cup eliminated. Bouncing a ball into a cup counts for two. If you make both of your balls in one turn, it eliminates both cups and the balls are given back to the shooters. If you make the same cup with both balls, an extra cup is eliminated (3 total) and the balls are given back. You are given 1 rerack of cups whenever you choose. We also play the NBA Jam rule, where if you make 2 cups in a row, you call out "heating up." If you make your next shot, you call out "he's on fire!" and you are given the ball back and continue to shoot until you miss a shot. Teams can be played with teams of 2 or one vs one (a true test of beer pong skill). This is the way we at Tecmo Super Blog play. I know some of you love your 10 cup games, but we like to drink and sitting out sucks so 6 cups goes the right amount of time for everyone there to have a good time.

And now I bring you the wold rankings for both the singles and tag team titles. These rankings will be updated weekly and a small recap of the weekends events will be given.
1. Steve
2. Bjorn
3. Scott
4. Pro
5. Josh

Tag Team

1. Boom Squad (Scott & Bjorn)
2. We'll Think of a Name Tomorrow (Josh & Pro)
3. The One Timers (Steve & Josh G.)
4. Team RoboCop (Eazy-E & the Tootse)
5. Armando + 1

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Meet Your Blogger

1. Name: Bjorn aka Don B.P.
2. Favorite Sports Team: Seattle Mariners
3. Favorite Sports Team of all time (one certain year): 1995 Seattle Mariners. Runner up: 00-01 St. Mary's High School Basketball
4. Favorite Current Athlete: Gilbert Arenas (HIBATCHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). Runner Up: Phil Ivey (if you have ever seen him play golf, you know exactly what kind of athlete Ivey is.)
5. Favorite Athlete of all time: Ken Griffey Jr.
6. Favorite Movie: Pulp Fiction. Runners Up: Blow, Bad Santa
7. Favorite TV Show: High Stakes Poker (Mondays @ 9pm on GSN).
8. Favorite Quote: "WHATS REALLY GOOD?"
9. Prediction Time, Who is the next MJ? Jerryd Bayless. (see end of blog for explanation)
10. Failed prediction time. What was your worst sports prediction ever?: Last night I bet Aaron (of tecmo blog fame) even money that the Wizards would beat the Suns. (Final Score: Suns 127 - Wizards 105). I also created and was the only one riding the 2006 New York football Giants bandwagon. Even through their 2-6 skid at the end of the season and squeaking into the playoffs, I was still talking Super Bowl.
11. If you were a Major League Baseball player, what song would you play before your at-bats?: I would loop the beginning of Cam'ron's "Gangsta Music part 2" where it opens with "Can I get a chea here, chea there. Up down left right chea chea chea chea"
12. Favorite Moment in Sports History: Game 7 of the 2001 World Series. Me and J to the snuck into Bank One Ballpark and watched the whole game from the left field stands for free. When Gonzo hit the walk off RBI the place went nuts. Runner Up: Junior sliding into home in game 5 of the 1995 ALDS. greatness.

Meet Your Blogger

Name: Laura aka "The Tootse"
Favorite Sports Team: Suns
Favorite Sports Team of All Time (one certain year): '01-'02 Marcos de Niza Basketball Team, who actually won the State Championship (Eat it Seton Catholic)
Favorite Current Athlete: Matt Leinart...Not only is he the man, he's sexy too
Favorite Athlete of All Time: Thunder Dan!
Favorite Movie: Clueless
Favorite TV Show: I love New York...check it out, it's fucking hilarious!
Prediction Time, Who is the next MJ? No one.
Failed prediction time. What was your worst sports prediction ever?: Every time I put money on football picks
If you were a Major League Baseball player, what song would you play before your at-bats?: "Doncha wish your girlfriend was hot like me" -Pussy Cat Dolls
Favorite Moment in Sports History: When the USA Women's Gymnastics Team won gold at the 1996 Olympics

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Meet Your Blogger

1. Name: Scott
2. Favorite Sports Team: Phoenix Suns
3. Favorite Sports Team of All Time (one certain year): 1998 Arizona Cardinals (we not only made the playoffs but won the first round game against the Cowboys)
4. Favorite Current Athlete: Gilbert Arenas (Raja Bell a close second...believe it)
5. Favorite Athlete of All Time: Barry Sanders

6. Favorite Movie: Tombstone, Shawshank Redemption, and Dumb and Dumber.
7. Favorite TV Show: The Office, Simpsons, and Nip/Tuck.
8. Favorite Quote: It's a tie..."When I met Mary, I got that old fashioned romantic feeling, where I'd do anything to bone her."-Dumb and Dumber. And "I'm gonna throw this out there; if you like it, take it, if you don't, send it right back. I want to be on you."--Ron Burgundy
9. Prediction Time, Who is the next MJ? Bjorn Peterson...have you seen this kid ball??
10. Failed prediction time. What was your worst sports prediction ever?: The 2002 nba draft. I said that Amare Stoudamire would be a terrible pro because he cant overpower nba players and had no other skills, and I was sure the pistons made a terrible pick on Tayshaun Prince when Frank Williams was still on the board...I should be a GM.
11. If you were a Major League Baseball player, what song would you play before your at-bats?: "Scottie Doesn't Know".
12. Favorite Moment in Sports History: ASU beating #1 in the nation Nebraska 19-0 behind Jake the Snake and Keith Poole in 1996!!!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Meet Your Blogger

1. Name: Josh
2. Favorite Sports Team: Arizona Cardinals. I'm the most excited and disappointed fan every year. Watch out for the Cards next season! I can not answer this question fully without mentioning the Suns. I even enjoy the games where the Suns have a 35 point lead going into the fourth (that means more Jalen Rose...always a bonus). My entire family is from Philly and grew up as your typical Philly fan. My dad nearly missed a plane flight to Phoenix on his wedding day because the Eagles were finishing a playoff game and he didn't want to leave the airport bar until he saw the finale. Anyway, I grew up wearing and learning sports through the Eagles, Sixers, and the Phillies. I still have much love for Philadelphia sports but have lived in Phoenix my whole life and would root for the Cardinals and the Suns over the Eagles and the Sixers in any game.
3. Favorite Sports Team of All Time (one certain year): '01-'02 Seton Catholic High School Varsity Basketball Team. They had a wicked cool point guard.
4. Favorite Current Athlete: Easy. No questions asked. Leandro "The Brazilian Blur" Barbosa. Blur make basket.
5. Favorite Athlete of All Time: Blur. However, since I don't want the same answer twice, I will say Sir Charles Barkley. Loved watching him play and still love listening to him talk (despite the fact that he's always hating on the Suns). Besides, any man brave enough to throw a ball at and tackle Shaq is up there in my book.
6. Favorite Movie: That's tough. Depending on the time, place and mood I'm in it is any of the following: Rocky I-VI (barring V, not to say I don't have love for V but I can't honestly list it as one of my favorite movies), The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (yes, I'm a Rings geek), White Men Can't Jump, Rudy, Snatch, Sandlot and all Kevin Smith flicks.
7. Favorite TV Show: Also tough. One of the following: Rob and Big, The Office, or High Stakes Poker
8. Favorite Quote: "Yo baby, yo baby, you ever had your asshole licked by a fat man in an overcoat?" -Jay
9. Prediction Time, Who is the next MJ? Jarryd Bayless. Best high school athlete I've ever seen (including Bibby).
10. Failed prediction time. What was your worst sports prediction ever?: Dwayne Wade will not be good in the pros. Not sure what I was basing that on but I constantly hear how wrong I was by the man, the myth, the legend...Steve Novak (not the Marquette donk. Rather the center on that Seton team I mentioned earlier). Close second: I thought it was ridiculous that the Eagles would draft Donovan McNabb over Ricky Williams. Close third: I thought the Suns were stupid for drafting a high school kid in 2002 (Amare ended up ok I guess)
11. If you were a Major League Baseball player, what song would you play before your at-bats?: "Stay Fly" -Three 6 Mafia
12. Favorite Moment in Sports History: May 2, 2006. First round of the NBA playoffs. Suns v Lakers. Game 6. 7:33 left in the 4th. Raja Bell closelining Kobe Bryant.

The Tecmo Blog is who we thought they were...

that's why we started the damn blog!

Over the past 6 months, avid tecmo blog readers were filled with quality reports and insight into the west coast sports scene. But then something awful and disturbing happened. The tecmo bloggers became bored with their 4 play calls and inferior 8-bit system. These inferiorities have led to blogs written on hockey, soccer, and did I mention hockey? Not to mention the lack of Gilbert Arenas in nearly every blog.

This is why we have taken the damn field! There will be no hockey discussion. No soccer debates. And certainly a lot of Agent 0 commentary. Unlike the tecmo blog with only a 12 team roster of knowledge, at Tecmo Super Blog, we bring you a full 28 teams of witty sport and pop culture banter. Like Deion Sanders, we will cover all aspects of life, whether on or off the screen of play.

What you should expect from your Tecmo Super Bloggers? We will provide you with reflections on current sporting issues, up to date beer pong rankings, other non-mainstream sports (that are not hockey and soccer) including mixed martial arts, poker and anything you can bet on, & special reports from the female perspective of Nicole and the Tootse. You can also expect guest blogs from other great personalities. Blogging while intoxicated is not only accepted, but highly encouraged.

We must emphasize once again that there will be no hockey or soccer references, except for when we are openly criticizing why these sports even exist. If these harsh negativity's toward soccer and hockey offend you, then we do not want you as our readers anyway. Please click the X in the top right corner immediately and never come back. We look forward to bringing you great blogs daily and may God have mercy on your soul.