Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Meet Your Blogger

1. Name: Scott
2. Favorite Sports Team: Phoenix Suns
3. Favorite Sports Team of All Time (one certain year): 1998 Arizona Cardinals (we not only made the playoffs but won the first round game against the Cowboys)
4. Favorite Current Athlete: Gilbert Arenas (Raja Bell a close second...believe it)
5. Favorite Athlete of All Time: Barry Sanders

6. Favorite Movie: Tombstone, Shawshank Redemption, and Dumb and Dumber.
7. Favorite TV Show: The Office, Simpsons, and Nip/Tuck.
8. Favorite Quote: It's a tie..."When I met Mary, I got that old fashioned romantic feeling, where I'd do anything to bone her."-Dumb and Dumber. And "I'm gonna throw this out there; if you like it, take it, if you don't, send it right back. I want to be on you."--Ron Burgundy
9. Prediction Time, Who is the next MJ? Bjorn Peterson...have you seen this kid ball??
10. Failed prediction time. What was your worst sports prediction ever?: The 2002 nba draft. I said that Amare Stoudamire would be a terrible pro because he cant overpower nba players and had no other skills, and I was sure the pistons made a terrible pick on Tayshaun Prince when Frank Williams was still on the board...I should be a GM.
11. If you were a Major League Baseball player, what song would you play before your at-bats?: "Scottie Doesn't Know".
12. Favorite Moment in Sports History: ASU beating #1 in the nation Nebraska 19-0 behind Jake the Snake and Keith Poole in 1996!!!

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