Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Meet Your Blogger

1. Name: Bjorn aka Don B.P.
2. Favorite Sports Team: Seattle Mariners
3. Favorite Sports Team of all time (one certain year): 1995 Seattle Mariners. Runner up: 00-01 St. Mary's High School Basketball
4. Favorite Current Athlete: Gilbert Arenas (HIBATCHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). Runner Up: Phil Ivey (if you have ever seen him play golf, you know exactly what kind of athlete Ivey is.)
5. Favorite Athlete of all time: Ken Griffey Jr.
6. Favorite Movie: Pulp Fiction. Runners Up: Blow, Bad Santa
7. Favorite TV Show: High Stakes Poker (Mondays @ 9pm on GSN).
8. Favorite Quote: "WHATS REALLY GOOD?"
9. Prediction Time, Who is the next MJ? Jerryd Bayless. (see end of blog for explanation)
10. Failed prediction time. What was your worst sports prediction ever?: Last night I bet Aaron (of tecmo blog fame) even money that the Wizards would beat the Suns. (Final Score: Suns 127 - Wizards 105). I also created and was the only one riding the 2006 New York football Giants bandwagon. Even through their 2-6 skid at the end of the season and squeaking into the playoffs, I was still talking Super Bowl.
11. If you were a Major League Baseball player, what song would you play before your at-bats?: I would loop the beginning of Cam'ron's "Gangsta Music part 2" where it opens with "Can I get a chea here, chea there. Up down left right chea chea chea chea"
12. Favorite Moment in Sports History: Game 7 of the 2001 World Series. Me and J to the snuck into Bank One Ballpark and watched the whole game from the left field stands for free. When Gonzo hit the walk off RBI the place went nuts. Runner Up: Junior sliding into home in game 5 of the 1995 ALDS. greatness.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

easiest five bucks I ever made