Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Tecmo Blog is who we thought they were...

that's why we started the damn blog!

Over the past 6 months, avid tecmo blog readers were filled with quality reports and insight into the west coast sports scene. But then something awful and disturbing happened. The tecmo bloggers became bored with their 4 play calls and inferior 8-bit system. These inferiorities have led to blogs written on hockey, soccer, and did I mention hockey? Not to mention the lack of Gilbert Arenas in nearly every blog.

This is why we have taken the damn field! There will be no hockey discussion. No soccer debates. And certainly a lot of Agent 0 commentary. Unlike the tecmo blog with only a 12 team roster of knowledge, at Tecmo Super Blog, we bring you a full 28 teams of witty sport and pop culture banter. Like Deion Sanders, we will cover all aspects of life, whether on or off the screen of play.

What you should expect from your Tecmo Super Bloggers? We will provide you with reflections on current sporting issues, up to date beer pong rankings, other non-mainstream sports (that are not hockey and soccer) including mixed martial arts, poker and anything you can bet on, & special reports from the female perspective of Nicole and the Tootse. You can also expect guest blogs from other great personalities. Blogging while intoxicated is not only accepted, but highly encouraged.

We must emphasize once again that there will be no hockey or soccer references, except for when we are openly criticizing why these sports even exist. If these harsh negativity's toward soccer and hockey offend you, then we do not want you as our readers anyway. Please click the X in the top right corner immediately and never come back. We look forward to bringing you great blogs daily and may God have mercy on your soul.


PTPers said...

Hey, Tecmo Blog has a spinoff. Only time will tell if Tecmo Super Blog is more like "Frasier" or the "Tortelli's." (Look it up). But with a picture featuring your authors in Lions, Hawks, and Suns gear, I have a feeling Tecmo Super Blog will be finishing behind the original for years to come.

Scoops said...

There was certainly no way to see this coming...

Anonymous said...

I see darkness on the horizon...a plague on all humanity. May God have mercy on your souls, Tecom Super Bowl. May God have mercy on your souls.

Anonymous said...

"beer pong rankings" and "anything you can bet on". I may owe apologies to the Tecmo Super Blog. Like sand through the hour glass, these are the days of our lives.

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